Career and Academic Advising / Palliser Off Campus Program
Mrs. Kim Horak -- Academic Advisor
Mr. Brian Kim -- Off Campus Teacher
Located in the Learning Commons. Walk-ins are welcome or if you prefer an appointment, you can stop by the Learning Commons to set one up or you can email
Information for grade 12’s
Grade 12 Checklist
As the last year of high school passes quickly, it is important to make sure you have all the information necessary for graduation as well as your preparation for post graduation. This could mean pursuing a career in the trades or attending a post secondary facility.
If you have decided on a program of study or a career path, make sure the classes you are enrolled in meet the entrance requirements for those. Also that you have or will have enough credits to graduate.
Admission requirements for post-secondary facilities as well as apprenticeship requirements can be found on line. If you are unsure of what you need or where to check, see Mrs. Horak or Mr.Kim in the Learning Commons.
If you are considering the post secondary path, plan on 30-1 courses for ELA, Social and Math. Also consider taking at least 1 science at a 30 level.
If you are more of a hands-on type and are looking at the Trades after high school, consider signing up for RAP (Registered Apprenticeship Program). See Mr. Kim in the Learning Commons for a full description of what is available in the Trades path.
If you didn’t sign up for My Pass in your CALM class, now would be a good time to complete that. When you register for My Pass, make sure to use a personal email address because once you graduate, you no longer will have access to your Palliser account. This will give you unlimited access to your high school transcripts even after you graduate.
Watch for emails being sent out and also posted in the graduation announcements in Google Classroom. These include information about upcoming post secondary admission dates, scholarship information, career webinars, and career fair information.
You Should Know...
Your Grade 12 marks, especially from the first semester, count heavily in post- secondary admissions.
Check with Mr. Kim or Mrs. Horak about potential field trips and career fairs. This is an opportunity to explore various post secondary locations and see what they have to offer. It may assist with making decisions about your future!
Check for admission dates. Many post secondary applications start the admission process in the first part of October. Most applications can be completed online. Follow the steps on the admissions page.
Apply Alberta ( is a great place to start. It is an online
application system that makes applying to post-secondary institutions super easy and
Apply Alberta will take care of sharing your transcripts between schools for you!
Continue to search and apply for scholarships and other possible sources of financial aid.
Almost time to pick semester 2 courses. Check in with the academic advisor to make sure you are picking the courses that you will need and that you will end the year with 100+ credits.
Sit down with your Academic Advisor to review your Detailed Academic Report and your Credential Checklist to make sure you have everything you will need to graduate.
Scholarships! Scholarships! Scholarships!! Continue to check in with Mrs. Horak and keep checking your emails / Google Classroom for updated information. Post secondary is expensive but scholarships and bursaries can help a lot with this.
Almost there!!! Only a few more weeks until graduation!
You are almost there!! Time to focus on finals and diploma exams!!
Post Secondary -- Fall 2022 Open Houses
Olds College - Friday, October 14 | 9-2pm (Olds)
King's University - Saturday, October 15 | 10am - 2pm (Edmonton)
University of Alberta - Saturday, October 15 | 9am-3pm (Edmonton)
Bow Valley College - Saturday, October 15 | 10am-3pm (Calgary)
NAIT - Sunday and Monday, October 16 and 17 (Virtual) | 9am - 3pm (Edmonton)
Lakeland College - Friday & Saturday, October 21 and 22 | TBD (Vermillion)
University of Calgary - Saturday, October 22 | 10am - 2pm (Calgary)
Red Deer Polytechnic - Saturday, October 22 | 9am-12pm (Red Deer)
SAIT - Friday, October 28 | 12:30-4pm & Saturday, Oct. 29 | 10am-4pm (Calgary)
University of Lethbridge - Saturday, October 29 |10am-3pm (Lethbridge)
Mount Royal University - Saturday, October 29 | 9am-3pm (Calgary)
Medicine Hat College - Wednesday, November 2 | 5:30-8pm (Medicine Hat)
Grant MacEwan University - Saturday, November 5 | TBD (Edmonton)
Out of Province University Fair - See websites for dates and locations